GENESIS 24: 1- 2 declares: "Now Abraham was old, well advanced  in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things. So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had..."

The Bible said here that this oldest servant is here symbolic of the Holy Ghost.And he ruled over all Abraham's house. Abraham is here symbolic of the Father.We see here the Holy Spirit according to the Word of God is very dear to Father. Father God so loved the Holy Spirit that Jesus said He will pray earnestly to Father that He can release Him from the heaven into the earth after Jesus departure.

Both the Father and the Son all through the Scripture express special heart for Spirit. He is the One with the father and the Son but yet he is separate and He is different. When you see the Father He is not behaving like the Spirit, and Spirit is not behavinglike the Son of God. They All reacting in different ways. Like this simple example: When sin was committed in the presence of the Father, all were killed, were slain .

When sin was committed in the presence of Jesus,  people were rebuked after commit not wilful sin, and He said: "Go your way, Sin no more." But with the Holy Ghost,He just walked away from the presence with this person. He left that person alone.

Here in the Scripture below we can see the covenant was made between Father and His Servant. They made a Holy agreement, Holy covenant in GENESIS 24: 3 - "Please, put your hand under my thigh, and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you will not take a wife for my SON from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell..." He said: Don't choose the wife for my Son that is from Canaanites, the cursed nation. He said: Make sure the Bride for my Son is without spot or wrinkle. It is the job of the Holy Ghost to make sure that when Jesus comes back for His Bride, she will be with-out spot or wrinkle. The Holy Ghost is still choosing the wife for God's Son, Jesus.

GENESIS 24 is still happening today. And when He brings you home, you will be adored with jewels, you will be gifted with precious gifts from your husband in heaven. GENESIS 24: 4 - "But you shall go to my country and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son Isaac." You will go and choose those what I've chosen already. You will go and choose people that I known and mark already. They are mine already.

You remember what He did before he saved you. He said: "I choose you, you did not choose Me, said the LORD."  It is predestination. He said to the Holy Spirit: "Make sure to choose those who are predestined to be My children." GENESIS 24: 5 declares "And the servant said to him, Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land. Must I take your son back to the land from which you come?"

Verse 5 says; "What if she is not willing? So even if we predestined to eternity with God we still have a choice that we wanted it or not. But God is so amazing in His ways that He choose those who said :Yes for eternity. He saw you saying it in future.

God is all knowing, He knows the past, the presence and the future. He is the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. He is the Beginning and the End.

Verse 6 says: "But Abraham said to him, "Beware that you do not take my son back there." It is power in this statement. It is not a picture of past work. It is picture of present work. The Holy Spirit is choosing the Bride for Jesus who is already on the throne in heaven. Isaac already has possessed Abraham's possession. God said to the Holy Spirit: "Make sure do not bring my Son back to earth until His Bride is ready.

It is a picture of Jesus in Heaven when His job is done, the Holy Spirit is on Earth and Jesus is not coming to earth until His Church is ready. GENESIS 24: 7 declares: "The LORD God of Heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my kindred, and who spoke to me and swore to me, saying, 'To your descendants I give this land', He will send His angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there." The Father is speaking to the Holy Ghost: "The angel will be there to help you bring My Church home." For the Holy Spirit and the Angels of Heaven are on earth today. The Angels are working with the Holy Spirit. Verse 8: "And if the woman is not willing to follow you, than you will be released from this oath; only do not take my son back there." It is still a matter of choice.

It is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit that everything God promised shall be done. Every time you see the Father, you see Him speaking. Every time you see the Son, you see Him doing. Every time you see the Spirit, you see Him making sure that Son's doing is done. When God created Adam, it was He said: "Let us make a man"

It was Jesus who did it. All Jesus did it was He formed from dust or mud shape of His. It was not flesh, not blood, not bones or muscles. It was just mud on His own Image. It was the power of the Holy Ghost that turned that mass into flesh, blood, bones ...

The job of the Father is Spokesman, the Job of the Son is Doer, and The Holy Ghost is the One who gives life to the flesh. It is the Spirit of Life. Breath of Almighty gives life. But Who breath this Spirit of God ? - JESUS. Everything we see the Holy Spirit, we see the power, we see Him that every time the Father said and the Son is done is completed.

I have good news for you. The Holy Spirit will finish His job with you. I am sure that when you appear before the Son of God, you will be fixed. It's not will, be your ability, but all will, be His power. He will kill your flesh and crucify it. Father said to the Holy Spirit: "It is your responsibility, it is your job to bring my Bride home without spot.” And the Holy Ghost keeps never his job undone. He is still working on you.

So we are dependent on the power of the Holy Ghost. Every time the Holy spirit shows in your life it is the darkness moment of that life. Every time God show you up it is the darkness. Every time he is gone when the light is out in your life. Light is only see if you are in darkness. You received Jesus Christ when you was in darkness. When He comes to save you, you were in your lowest moment, when you cry, Lord, save my soul.

He choose the Bride at night, at the times of darkness. But where the Holt Ghost comes to, it was a well of water. Well of water symbolises salvation in the Bible. You shall drink water out the well of salvation, and you shall be saved, said the LORD. The well of water symbolises savings, salvation, savings of souls. And the Holy Ghost always preachs salvation. There will be always salvation message given to you. Notice the beautiful picture of the Holy Spirit - He does not push, he asks.

Holy Spirit is the partner with you with all the responsibilities. When the Holy Ghost finds a vessel, Jesus starts from glory to glory changing this vessel. He just asks: Let just Me step in, and I will start work on you. Give what you can, give me just a little bad of you. Let me just step into your life, open your heart. Give me just a  little water out of your vessel. He will change you into Gods image. He never pushes into this things. He is waiting until you allow Him.

He will not push you into full commitment until first you taste. When you taste you will tell to the world "Goodbye". The Bible says: "Taste and see the Lord is good." After you taste the Holy Spirit you always say: "I want more of You, Lord."

And something about Him that is so amazing: When He gives you a taste, He will also give you a desire of fellowship with Him. He asks: Are you thirsty? And when you say "yes", He will fill you little more, and more, and more... After He will hide, and you will be looking for Him with all your heart, and you will find Him and will be with Him. He does it for the purpose, because He knows our nature. When more you look for Him, the more you die. Looking will kill your flesh finally. When you die, He will take over your vessel and will use you for His purpose and His glory. Now you become the well yourself. You become a well of His mighty river of His power. You've power with God.

The Holy Spirit will then reveal to you revelations of God, but not until you have peace. He will give you gifts of the Holy Spirit. But first the old man of you must be gone and the new one on. Holy Spirit will introduce Jesus to His Church. And everything Father possesses, His Son now possesses. Church like Rebecca to the Holy Spirit finally said: "I will follow you."

When she said "Yes", He gave her silver, gold and jewellery and clothing of right-eousness. Symbolic of redemption, divinity and righteousness. When you leave your family and follow Him, then you get everything He bought for you. You will start living for God. But must be there in pure faith, because our God is a faithful God. When you say: "I will follow you" in total trust, He will open heaven for you.

Seven truth about character of the Holy Spirit:

  1. The Holy Spirit is Faithful
  2. The Holy Spirit is Obedient
  3. He knows how to Pray
  4. The Holy Spirit is Wise
  5. The Holy Spirit is Patient
  6. The Holy Spirit is Unselfish
  7. The Holy Spirit is Successful

You know what Isaac was doing while Servant was looking for his wife. He was praying. Remember Jesus what He is doing? He is praying. When the Holy Spirit is looking for you, Jesus is praying: Father, let them say "Yes". The second Rebecca says to Isaac: I honour you, I respect you, you are my master. It is sign of respect. It is sign of servanthood. She wore the veil as a sign that she belongs only to her husband. When you meet with Jesus you will say: "I belong only to You". It is sign of complete surrender. And she becomes His wife forever. 

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