“Let them give Glory unto the LORD and declare His Praises in the Islands.”
ISAIAH 42: 2
“There will be Showers of Blessing.” EZEKIEL 34: 26
It was a day to remember at APIA - Western Samoa, when the Lord pour showers of blessing upon us while we gave Him our Praise and Adoration and Glory to His Name.
He was faithful to manifest His presence upon more than 30 thousand people on stadioon.
It was something already imparted in the hearts of these simple people of Polynesia.
It was hunger for more and more of God’s presence in their lives, His power and presence
They simply worship JESUS as their God. I saw the sea of people overflowing stadioon and it was marvellous picture of the open-hearted people with love, peace an joy in the Holy Spirit. They came with
expectancy to receive His Anointing through His servant Benny Hinn. It was a much of still before the storm in natural and in spiritual realm.
I was full of the joy of the Lord when I saw these smiling faces. They are happy, happy people. The way they live is simple and enough. They are supply abundantly in everything what they need for living
and godliness. They are truly happy people.
And I just thought that we miss that simplicity of lifestyle in our western world.
When I landed at night at Apia airport- the scent of tropics was overwhelming.
It was rich, rich in aroma of coconuts copra and paw-paw and smell of variety of flowers.
This aroma is still with me now for I love God’s creation and His goodness.
Next day we started to explore Upolu Island and we found out that Apia port town is not for us to stay in. Even all good hotels in town were booked for visitors for BH Miracle Crusade. Then after advice
from locals we decided to do on the other side of the island and it was a right choice to stay there in the Reef Resort. We drove about half an hour through the lush and green bush full of flowers and
coconut palms. For me it was lost Garden of Eden. It was rich in aroma, sight and feeling of God’s nature. We stayed five nights in exclusive resort with private garden and ocean beach view for half
price in our Australia. Conditions of staying were super. I rest a lot before I was prepared to meet with God and His manifested Presence of His Holy Spirit. We travel a lot around island and
I tell you it was always beautiful tropical scenery with idyllic beach sides, calmly, warm waters. Even we were snorlking in the Blue Lagoon and stayed on the Paradise Beach.
It was more that I could expect with the God’s creation. He said: It is very good.
Such beauty and colours and aroma of flowers is always with me even at night I dream about Polynesia. It was glorious five days on the Back to Paradise trip towards God.
I can image Garden of Eden like this, It was magnificent, simple and beautiful and full of colours. And the people were so friendly. They greet us everywhere we went with the big, big smile. We spent
these days of refreshing soaking in the beauty of God’s creation, resting, relaxing and waiting upon the Lord.
The day of the Miracle Crusade with Benny Hinn finally came and we took a few people from our resort to be with us. As we drove to Apia Park Stadioon I put the tape “Healing” and we sang
together with brother Benny. We were well prepared to attend this meeting with the Holy Ghost and receive His Anointing. We started praise and worship our Lord when His servant Benny joined the adoration
with us. There were many songs of Praise and I felt already the Anointing of the Lord all over me. It was tingling in the surface of the palms of my hands and touching my skin like little electricity.
Power of God was in manifestation. When we were uplifting our hands, the showers of Blessing starts. These showers gave me even deeper Anointing as my hands were uplifted.
For we lifted up His Name Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit operated on us.
I kept in both my hands the handkerchiefs for anointing to soak with His Presence.
And we were Praising Lord all the time from one song to another. Alleluia.
In the first night of Anointing was so many souls saved, delivered and healed.
And I told to my friend, Peter - the God is Merciful and Gracious and Longsuffering.
We reach up to Heaven, we Delight in the Lord and He gave us the Desires of our hearts.
To be there personally it was a great Privilege and Favour of God. And I was waiting for double portion of His Anointing to carry to Sydney for the service to others.
Praise the Lord for all what He done for us in Samoa. Next day I put title:
TEARS OF JOY as in Psalm 126: 5 - “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.” and “Joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8: 10
There was on the second day of the meeting. It was very unexpectable when I was touched by the Holy Ghost and manifested by crying and crying and crying.
Tears of joy were flowing from my eyes when I was soaking with God’s Anointing.
And I remembered that “Anointing breaks the yoke of bondage. ”There is nothing impossible for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Just believe and you will receive.
It was time of refreshing for crying always refreshes the soul of man.
I was different now, I was changed and never the same again. It was like the move of God on people and manifested power of God gave us entrance into heavenly blessings.
It was blessing after blessing like the mighty wave of the ocean upon us, people of God.
All of my dreams from my childhood were fulfilled about Polynesia and tropical islands.
I was personally there, I was with God’s people and I was in God’s presence and His Anointing. There was the waves of joy flowing out of my eyes when I saw colours that I cannot describe, I saw such
rich colours in my mind when I closed my natural mind.
It was a supernatural experience I never forget.
That trip was a must for me because so much I am changed now. The fruit of the Spirit I believe will flow freely from me. I am total soaked in Love
and Love is God.
But my wife is also changed through my prayers and thanks God for good.
We all need Love, Peace and Joy. I wish you them all.
I would like personally thank the Benny Hinn Ministers for such an effort to preach the Gospel of Salvation, Deliverance and Healing on the all
corners of earth.
Thank you from me and from Polish Christian Mission at Sydney, Australia.
Andrew Wielicki