“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation,
taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men.
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death on the cross.
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on
earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father.”
1. CHRIST have been in the form of God and CHRIST became a man.
FATHER becomes the father when the WORD becomes son, because the Word of God became the flesh, and the Angel said that His name shall be JESUS.
So the name of JESUS was given to the human being, to the one walking in the flesh.
He is still holding this name in the glory forever. This is amazing miracle, when God Almighty, the Word, the Revelation of God Himself came to dwell among people.
Because the meaning of the word Word is the Revelation. We read in JOHN 1: 1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was of God and the Word was God.
We can read: In the beginning was the Revelation. Revelation of who is God and this is the expressed image of His Glory. Hebrews (1: 3). He is the Revelation of God Almighty. He laid
aside His Godly form and took side of flesh. He is a man who walked earth as a man as yet divine. Divinity and humanity become one when Jesus become man. Bible says: :The Word was made flesh.”
This Word, this Revelation lay aside divine form and became flesh. It was act of LOVE not describe for us.
God Almighty put His form and put on our form to save humanity.
2. Christ laid aside his reputation - “And made Himself of no reputation.” Phil. 2: 7
All we have is our Reputation, but Bible said He made Himself of no reputation.
He was focused on only one thing - on the cross. When they falsely accused Him,
He never defended, because job of the cross has made to be done. Philip. 2: 7 cont.:
3. Christ took the form of servant - “And He took upon Him the form of servant.”
He who Angels worship, He who Angels serve and adore from eternity past to eternity future, He who is God Almighty become a servant to humanity. He served the sinful man, the piece of
dust. Jesus told: “I come to serve”. He come to serve others.
4. Christ put on the likeness of man - “And coming in the likeness of man.”Phil. 2:7
Likeness of man is when He becomes feel what we are feeling, like we think.
When Jesus becomes a man His thoughts become our thoughts. He come to earth to tell us who God is like. He experiences us. God does not know how to become tempted unless He become a man,
and how was like to fight a sin unless become a man, like to be tired unless become a man. When He become a man, He experienced what a man is going through. He was back to Heaven and become our great High Priest and
before Father He can pray for us knowing what we are going through on the planet Earth.
He become our High Priest knowing what we are coming through, so He become perfect Intercessor because He experienced it all. The Bible says, He was tempted for all points but yet without
sin. His temptations can not be compared with our.
5. Christ Humbled Himself - “And being found in the appearance as a man humbled Himself.” He have been humiliated beyond point when they nail Him on the cross.
Every step He took, He took for you and I. He Son of God become Son of Man, that you can become Son of God. He becomes of no reputation that He can lift us up.
He becomes a servant, so we can rule with Him. He took our likeness so that we can take His likeness. He humbled Himself so that we can be exalted. Philipians 2: 8 cont.
6. Christ become obedient unto death - “And become obedient unto death.”
7. Christ become obedient to the death of the cross -”Even the death of the cross.”
Philipians 2: 9 - 11
“Wherefore God also had highly exalted Him and gave Him a Name above all names. That on the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven,
and things in earth, and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God, the Father.”
1. God Highly Exalted Jesus Christ
2. Jesus` Name is above all the names.
3. In the Name of Jesus every knee should bow.
4. Bow of things of Heaven.
5. Bow of things in the Earth.
6. Bow of things under the Earth.
7. Every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the LORD.
The day is coming when we will bow down in Glory, when everyone on Earth will bow. They will be in one accord and voice - Jesus is the Lord.
Will be no more sorrow, no more rears, no more pain, no more misery.
God will rise off members from the earth and we will not remember past on the earth.
God will remove the memory of the painful days on planet earth.
Jesus, Jesus, Lord to me
Master, Saviour, Prince of Peace
Lord of my Heart desires
Today, Jesus, Lord to me.