How do you approach the throne of God? Start by confessing first Who God is and second Who you are in Christ. Start like this: “Father, Your mercies are new every
day.” Begin to declare His promises: “Lord, You said if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us. Father, Your Word tells me that Your Son’s Blood is cleansing me. Now, Father fulfil your
promises to me.” You can quote some specific verses from heart as ZACHARIAH 13: 9 “ They shall call on My Name, and I will hear them ...”
Not only do we declare the sovereignty of God and our place in Christ as believers; we also confess our needs to Him. This is called supplication. After the Apostle Paul told us to
put on the whole armour of God in EPHESIANS 6: 11, he declared that we should be “... Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit...” in EPHESIANS 6: 18. Literally take the request to
the Father. Do not hesitate to say, ”Lord, here is the need I am bringing to You today. Paul wrote in PHILIPIAN 4:6 “... in every prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made
known unto God.” He knows our petitions before we even ask, yet God is waiting to hear your cry of your heart.
Take time in your prayer life for Adoration. After your Confession has been made and your Supplication presented, enter a period of divine adoration. PSALM 29: 2 declare: “Give unto
the LORD the glory due to His Name; worship the LORD in the beauty.” In worship comes awareness that flesh cannot produce. Something begins to happen to your Spirit-man that you will never ever
understand until you experience it. Intimate worship and adoration can only be expressed from your heart or in heavenly language. This is more than telling God who He is; you are offering your love for your Father
from the very depths of your being.
From Adoration you move into Communion. Have you ever looked at your spouse and expressed your love without saying a word? There is no need to say, “I love you.” Every part of you is
communicating that sentiment. Or perhaps you had such a bond that you knew what the other person was thinking when no words were spoken. That is what will start to transpire between Jesus and you. It will not
develop however, until you have taken the steps leading to such a moment. It happens after you have cast your cares upon the Lord in prayer and have worshipped the Lord. You begin to worship and adore your loving,
heavenly Father. Your needs pale in the light of who God is and you worship and adore Him with liberty. Apostle Paul prayed that in II Corinthians 13: 4 “... the love of God, and the communion of the Holy
Spirit, be with you all.”
Communion is marvellous but Intercession is where a spiritual breakthrough occurs. By taking each of the steps we have discussed you prepare yourself for Intercession. Confession,
Supplication, Adoration and Communion bring peace - the necessary ingredient that prepares for Intercession. Peace brings you into worship, and worship brings you into intimacy. The Holy Spirit takes over and now
you are interceding. “Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: For we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be
uttered.” ROMANS 8: 26. Through Intercession you become an instrument in the hand of Almighty God. Lives will be changed for eternity.
Step Six: PRAISE
By Faith you know that a miracle is on the way. You declare it and see it by Faith.“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
HEB. 11: 1. Then comes a time of refreshing and praise! This is more than saying “Thank You, Lord. You begin to celebrate what God has done for you. You will lift your hands and shout: “Praise the LORD for
the LORD is good: sing praises unto His Name.” PSALM 135: 3
“I will praise you with my whole heart, my LORD and Saviour.” PSALM 138: 1 Your life will begin to read like PSALM 150: 2 - “Praise Him for His Mighty Acts; Praise Him
according to His excellent greatness.”
When you have walked this pathway of Prayer there will be continual Thanksgiving on your lips. All day long - when you are driving, at work, or with your family - your heart will be
filled with gratitude. You will say: “Jesus, I just want to thank You!” It won’t be necessary to make a list. Your mind will be flooded with God’s goodness and mercy. Paul wrote that we not only to be
established in the faith, but “... abounding therein in the faith with thanksgiving.” COLOSSIANS 2: 7
Today, when you come before the Lord, start with confession and continue until there is a time of praise and thanksgiving. Please don’t feel that as the routine or a ritual you must
repeat again and again. Not at all. This is not formula, but merely guideless to help you experience a new dimension in prayer. There will be times when you are totally lost in communion with Holy Spirit - and other
days when God calls you to intercession. Open your heart to the breakthrough God has planned for you. May you experience a marvellous outpouring of God’s Blessings upon your life.