Angels have fascinated people throughout the centuries all over the world.
And from GENESIS to REVELATION the SCRIPTURE tell us about their activity.
They are in service to GOD and to MEN. The Bible in describing Angels says:
“Are they not administering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” HEBREWS 1: 14.
Angels Minister for us:Angels do not minister to you - they minister for you.
This means they do not impart healing or salvation, because they are not the heirs of those things. Angels do not do your bidding, but are dispatched by God to minister for
the heirs of salvation.
Angels are Innumerable:Angels like the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven - they cannot be numbered: “As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither
the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levities that minister unto me.” JEREMIAH 33: 22
Jesus said He could called 12 legions of angels to aid Him at the cross in Matthew 26
Legion at that time referred to the Roman contingent of troops that numbered around 6,000. Twelve legions would be 72,000 angels!
Angels are Strong and Powerful: In one battle recorded in the Bible, a single angel killed 185,000 men. It is recorded in ISAIAH 37: 36 - “Then the
angel of the LORD went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, they were all dead men.
ISAIAH 37: 36
Angels Appearance is Awesome: In JUDGES 13, an angel appeared to Manoah and his wife. His appearance was so awesome that they “... fell on their faces
to ground.”
JUDGES 13: 20-22
Angels protect God’s People: Angels protect us, you can rear in PSALM 34: 7 -
“The angel of the Lord encamped round about them that fear him, and delivered
them.” The moment God becomes your habitation the angels will be charged with your protection as in PSALM 91: 9-13.
Angels are activated by God’s Word: You limit the power of angels when you speak negative, complaining, unbelieving words instead of speaking God’s Word.
When you speak God’s Word, the angels are activated. In PSALM 103: 20 declares:
“Bless the Lord and His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments
hearing unto the voice of His Word.” Your words have the potential to either hasten or hinder angelic ministry as is in GENESIS 24: 40 and ECCLESIASTES 5: 6.
Angels are affected by our prayers: Angels activities are definitely affected by our
prayers. An angel told Lot that he could not act until Lot left Sodom. This happened because of Abraham’s intercession on his behalf as we written in GENESIS 19: 22.
An angel was also dispatched in answer to Daniel’s prayer for understanding in the Book of DANIEL 10: 4 - 14.
Angels deliver us from the enemy: When you pray and ask God for help, He dispatches angels to deliver you from the enemy. PSALM 35: 5 declares:
“Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.”
A tremendous New Testament example of this is found in the story of the Apostle Peter, who was delivered from prison by the angel in Book of ACTS 12.
Angels reveal heavenly realities: Read Zechariah chapter 6. This is one of many examples in the Bible where angels reveal heavenly realities to
God’s people.
And the Holy Spirit explains them so we have understanding and wisdom.
Angels commute between heaven and earth continually:
Jacob saw this truth in a dream in the Book of GENESIS 28: 12 the Word declares:
“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”
Angels provide directions: EXODUS 23: 20-22 and HEBREWS 2: 1- 3 caution that we should listen to direction given to us by angels. An angel told
Philip to go to the desert and minister to the Ethiopian:“And the angel of the Lord spoke unto Philip, saying: Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goes down the south unto the way that
goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.”
Angels are activated to fulfill prophecies: Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian man in ACTS 8 was actually fulfilment of a prophetic word given to
“Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.” PSALM 68: 31. The angel guided Philip to fulfil a prophetic words spoken
centuries before. He ministered to this Ethiopian man who returned and spread the Gospel to his nation of Ethiopia.
Angels have limited knowledge like a man: They do not have the same knowledge as God. They do not know the hour of Christ’s return...and much more.
“But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” MARK 13: 32.
Angels lead sinners to the Gospel: Angels direct people to where the Gospel is being preached. For example, an angel told Cornelius to send for Peter so
the Gospel could come to the Gentiles in Book of ACTS 10.
Angels are instructed by the Church: The Church makes known the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in heavenly places:
“To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.” EPHESIANS 3: 10.
Angels observe the Church to learn the wisdom of God and desire to look into the things of salvation as states in I PETER 1: 10- 12.
1. Seraphims who understand the revelation of God and His nature.
2. Cherubims who understand the work of the Holy Spirit and lead the worship.
3. Living creatures who protect the throne of God.
4. Arch angels who reveal or manifest God’s authority, dominion, and rule.
5. Common angels who appear to the saints and minister for the heirs of salvation.