II TIMOTHY 3: 1 - 9, 13
“But know this, that in the last days difficult times will come:
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, blasphemers, proud, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, without
self-control, brutal, despises of good, traitors, headstrong, naughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having form of godliness by denying its power. And from such people turn away!
For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.
They are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth. So do this also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved in faith. but they will
progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all.
But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and be deceived.
In this part of Scripture Paul wrote to Timothy concerning the Spirit that ruled in the world.. He was
talking about individuals controlled and ruled by religious spirits. I am not talking about Religious Devil, I am talking about Religious Spirits.
They causes individuals to cause certain things, and can become demonic if not dealt. Remove yourself from them, when they do not want to go away from these spirits.
Apostle Paul had a Religion Spirit until Jesus set him free on the road to Damascus. Religious Spirit can be a Spirit of Denomination or the group of people together.
They are act alike, talk alike, spirit that controls them, and it is more a human spirit that it is demonic spirit. Its starts often in the human realm and it become demonic
if is not controlled. Demonic power follows human power. You begin first in natural and you move into spiritual. You decide - God`s side or the enemy of God side.
First begins in natural world , then the spiritual world. Religious Spirit always begins with the human level, on the human arena. And it is moving into demonic after.
II TIMOTHY 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”
II TIMOTHY 3:7“Always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth
II TIMOTHY 3:13“They resist the truth, they deceiving and being deceived.”
This Spirit of Religion, this religious spirit starts in human realm and moves into demonic - has done more damage to the Body of Christ that even the New Age Movement or any
cult. And I show you why? Turn to MATTHEW 16: 6
“Take heed and beware of the leaven of Pharaseses and Sadduccesses.”
Leaven is the doctrine. Be aware of the doctrine which is added to the Church.
Leaven is added to bread to inflate the bread only without any qualities to bread.
Leaven, when it is in bread, it is impossible to remove it from bread, its spreads.
This Spirit, this doctrine is like leaven. It is not to add any substance into your life
and does you any spiritual nutrition, but inflate you with pride. And once is in, it is impossible to take it out without deliverance. So, Jesus said: Beware of the leaven.
Beware of that Spirit of Bondage. Jesus fought this spirit in his days, Paul fought this spirit and you are going to fight the same Legalistic, Controlling spirit.
Jesus Christ had no trouble with demons, they bow to Him and come out.
His troubles were with the religious group, religious crowd, religious spirit.
They did not bow to Him, they prosecute Him and crucify Him. This religious spirit will not bow down, but will oppose. It will prosecute and it will murder.
And what Jesus fought and Apostles fought, we are fighting today.
JAMES 4: 6 says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
That Spirit of Religion God Himself resists because is filled with pride.
Individuals are proud. Spirit of Religion and Spirit of Jezebel work together.
Jezebel Spirit it must to be explained here. Jezebel was a wicked wife of Achab,
She controlled the weak king and his weaknesses to control Israel. Jezebel use her tears to control her husband. She used her emotional state to use her husband. When
you talk about Jezebel, you talking about controlling person.
And controlling spirit and witchcraft are the same. When we say witchcraft we mean the same spirit of
control. When someone dominate someone`s life through that evil spirit and when it is not dealt with, will become demonic control.
That sprit begins in the human realm, in individuals who are controlling, dominating
and if God does not remove that from their hearts, demon will come in and do damage beyond recognition. King Saul had the same kind of this spirit, and Kain had that spirit.
Today that spirit ruined lot of lives also in the Body of Christ. ROMANS 10: 2, 3, 4:
“For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to the knowledge. For they begin ignorant of God`s righteousness, seeking to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.”
“For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”
They have a zeal, but not knowledge of God Almighty. They begin with zeal.
All they have is zeal, but they do not know the LORD. They have religion but not presence of God. They are so zealous, but they have no knowledge of Almighty.
It is all mental and religious. Remember leaven in bread puffed it up, it inflates.
Beware of the leaven of religious people, because its inflates them with pride.
They walk around wanting everybody to see them, having the best seats in church,
pray the longest prayers, that can be heard and yet controlling individuals and dominating their lives. Jesus Christ did not cast any devil out of religious leaders, because
that spirit took on hold all nation of Israel. And then they moved into demonic realm, when demons move in bringing destruction to many lives. Jesus fought that spirit, every man of God in history has
been opposed by the Spirit of Religion. These Religious people have a zeal, but not knowledge of God. They will prosecute a man of God.
And the Paul had the same spirit in him. He was so zealous that he killed people, he prosecuted the saints.
Jesus Christ had to knock hum down off the horse on the ground, before He saved him. I pray that God knock down some religious leaders because they are about to bring destruction to the Church of Christ.
These individuals amazingly act with great spirituality, but without knowledge and presence of the LORD.
How to discern these spirits - II CORINTHIANS 11: 13 -15
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder. For Satan himself transforms into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into right-lousiness whose end will be recording to their works.”
Something vital is here, Paul, the Apostle was talking about the individuals in this chapter who wanted and believed in work, work, work...No grace, just do, do, do ...
They want please God through their action. Of course must be balance in every action.
We must understand: without work faith is dead. But work is the result of grace not other way around, grace is not result of work. But you have works by yourselves and this is
destructive. I work for God because what He has done for me in my heart.
I am not working so He can do it in my heart. I do because what He has done.
I don`t do so He can do. I start from done work, everything about the Christian life begins with done work in Christ. All is dine and done in me causes me to do for Him.
Not the other way around, when you do so He can do - that`s Spirit of Religion.
But when He has done and I can do, that`s the Holy Spirit.
God always begins on the within. God deals always with the inside, with your heart.
When He spoke to Mosses concerning Tabernacle, God did not say: Mosses build the gates first, no, He said: The Holy of Holies begins first. You go from in out.
Everything about God begins within and after without. Someone said: Communism says that when you change man`s surroundings, you will change the man. Liberty says: if you
change the man, you will change surroundings.
God is in his side, when he said to change the man. The Bible teaches that when you change the man, you
change surroundings. Devil is trying to change surroundings, so the people can be changed then Religion says: Change surroundings and you change the man. It will bring bondage, but when you change the
heart it will bring liberty. Grace always changes the heart. God always begins with changing the heart. Spirit of Religion wants always change your surroundings, so he can control you.
COLLOSIANS 2: 16 - 23
“Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or Sabbath’s, which are the shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.”
“Let no one defraud you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his
fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with increase which is from God. Therefore if you died with Christ from
the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations -
“Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using - according to the commandments and doctrines of men?
“These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self- imposed religion, false humanity, and neglect of the body, but are no value against the flesh.”
He who have this spirit delight in humility, but false humility, he is delighted in seeing you bound, he is delighted in seeing you broken. Voluntary humility is a false
They worship anything but Jesus. They worship angels and are intruding to things not seen in the spiritual world. They take improper stand on visions, dreams and revelations
Vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. Uses them to influence the people in natural.
They say: touch not, taste not, handle not. It is all outward control in natural realm.
This Religious Spirit is set up to control others first in natural, then in spiritual.
COLLOSIANS 2: 8 declares: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the world, not to Christ.
So be aware of the individuals that bring in control to the meetings, bringing bondage.
The same individuals that are bound by this religious spirit are perfectionists.
They do not tolerate imperfection when they come to spiritual things. They do not tolerate any weakness in people`s lives. They think they are perfect and you must be like
them. They can not understand the progress of grace in your life. They can not understand that God begins with little to increase the great things in the man.
They can not see grace of God, they are seeing only what they are doing is right.
They are so perfect that begin to dominate. It is Satanic perfection, it is demonic.
Jesus said to the religious people: You wash your hands and you wash your pots, you clean this, you clean that, but on the inside you filthy and full of abominations.
Everything in them is outworthy, everything is human, everything is perfect.
But this perfection is a demonic perfection. Sometimes leads you into insanity.
This people put more interest in washing of the hands that washing off the hearts.
Washing the utilities not cleaning of the mind and heart. They forsake the spiritual and
and bond to the natural and wordily things which led them to satanic bondage.
These individuals will drive you into this if you allow them. They are such in perfection that this is demonic perfection. They will not tolerate anything that is not perfect
in us.
These individuals focus on perfection, focus on control, but God focus on progress.
But our God gives man, anoint man, not perfect man, but imperfect man. For His treasure is His earthly vessel. Knowing our imperfections, He still trust us.
That the kind of Lord I serve, who does not taking from me, what He gives me.
Bible says: He is our Helper, He does not condemn us when we are falling, He lift us up
put us back together on His way, always a better person. Thanks God Almighty.
These bound by Religious Spirit, when you fall once - you out. I am glad Jesus said:
I forgive seventy times seven. If you came I forgive you. If you come back, I restore you
I will clean you. You on the road to recovery. If you are a true Christian, He is changing you from glory to
glory. What you did two years ago, you don’t do it now.
It is more glory inside you now. Remember, these demons focus on perfection, but Christ focus on human imperfection. Grace and progress go together. Grace works like this:
Little here, little there, little there, little here, spoon by spoon, not plate by plate.
But these that are bound by Religious Spirit say: Now! You must be perfect!
Progress in Paul’s Apostle is evident. In Galatians 2: 6 in AD 56, He said: All of them are nothing to me ( I am the one ), in I Corinthians 15: 9 in AD 65, he said: I am
the least of the Apostles, and not mean to be called apostle; in Ephesians 3: 8 in AD 65
He said: I am the least of all saints and in I Timothy in AD 65, he said: Christ Jesus come to save sinners, whom I am a chief of sinners. This is the progress of grace of
God. The Holy Spirit brings humility to man, but Religious Spirit brings pride to man.
These individuals does not join to themselves anything imperfect. They forgotten that Christ join Himself to the fallen men. They have forgotten that Jesus Christ has joined
Himself to the fallen human race, human race under dominion of sin and under curse.
That is grace. Now how to recognise the Religious Spirits:
1. Individual with this Spirit always find fault with others but not themselves.
2. These individuals know how to tear down but do not know how to built up.
3. They are unable to receive correction and instruction. They never accept correction.
4. These people have a philosophy: do not listen to anybody but listen to God only.
5. They believe that God appoint and anoint them only to fix anything wrong in you.
6. They will not tolerate weaknesses or failures in your life. They can not tolerate, no.
7. These individuals always want recognition. They want to be noticed everywhere.
8. They have a suspicion of every mice of God. Thy say: It is not God, can not be God.
9. They will never join any group outside themselves and will forbid you to do the same
10. They will glory in yesterday, but never in today. Paul says in the Book of Galatians:
“Have you begin in the Spirit and now you think will be perfected in the flesh?”
But God says: “Stand fast therefore into the liberty where with Christ have made you free and be not entangled again into the yoke of bondage.”
II TIMOTHY 3: 1 - 9, 13
“But know this, that in the last days difficult times will come:
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, blasphemers, proud, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving,
without self-control, brutal, despises of good, traitors, headstrong, naughty,
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having form of godliness by
denying its power. And from such people turn away!
For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.
They are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.
So do this also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved in faith.
but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all.
But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and be deceived.
In this part of Scripture Paul wrote to Timothy concerning the Spirit that ruled in the world.. He was
talking about individuals controlled and ruled by religious spirits. I am not talking about Religious Devil, I am talking about Religious Spirits.
They causes individuals to cause certain things, and can become demonic if not dealt.
Remove yourself from them, when they do not want to go away from these spirits.
Apostle Paul had a Religion Spirit until Jesus set him free on the road to Damascus.
Religious Spirit can be a Spirit of Denomination or the group of people together.
They are act alike, talk alike, spirit that controls them, and it is more a human spirit that it is demonic spirit. Its starts often in the human realm and it become demonic if
is not controlled. Demonic power follows human power. You begin first in natural and you move into spiritual. You decide - God`s side or the enemy of God side.
First begins in natural world , then the spiritual world. Religious Spirit always begins with the human level, on the human arena. And it is moving into demonic after.
II TIMOTHY 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying its power.”
II TIMOTHY 3:7 “Always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth
II TIMOTHY 3:13 “They resist the truth, they deceiving and being deceived.”
This Spirit of Religion, this religious spirit starts in human realm and moves into demonic - has done more damage to the Body of Christ that even the New Age Movement or any
cult. And I show you why? Turn to MATTHEW 16: 6
“Take heed and beware of the leaven of Pharaseses and Sadduccesses.”
Leaven is the doctrine. Be aware of the doctrine which is added to the Church.
Leaven is added to bread to inflate the bread only without any qualities to bread.
Leaven, when it is in bread, it is impossible to remove it from bread, its spreads.
This Spirit, this doctrine is like leaven. It is not to add any substance into your life
and does you any spiritual nutrition, but inflate you with pride. And once is in, it is impossible to take it out without deliverance. So, Jesus said: Beware of the leaven.
Beware of that Spirit of Bondage. Jesus fought this spirit in his days, Paul fought this spirit and you are going to fight the same Legalistic, Controlling spirit.
Jesus Christ had no trouble with demons, they bow to Him and come out.
His troubles were with the religious group, religious crowd, religious spirit.
They did not bow to Him, they prosecute Him and crucify Him. This religious spirit will not bow down, but will oppose. It will prosecute and it will murder.
And what Jesus fought and Apostles fought, we are fighting today.
JAMES 4: 6 says: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
That Spirit of Religion God Himself resists because is filled with pride.
Individuals are proud. Spirit of Religion and Spirit of Jezebel work together.
Jezebel Spirit it must to be explained here. Jezebel was a wicked wife of Achab.
She controlled the weak king and his weaknesses to control Israel. Jezebel use her tears to control her husband. She used her emotional state to use her husband. When
you talk about Jezebel, you talking about controlling person.
And controlling spirit and witchcraft are the same. When we say witchcraft we mean the same spirit of
control. When someone dominate someone`s life through that evil spirit and when it is not dealt with, will become demonic control.
That spirit begins in the human realm, in individuals who are controlling, dominating
and if God does not remove that from their hearts, demon will come in and do damage beyond recognition. King Saul had the same kind of this spirit, and Cain had that spirit.
Today that spirit ruined lot of lives also in the Body of Christ. ROMANS 10: 2, 3, 4:
“For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to the knowledge. For they begin ignorant of God`s righteousness, seeking to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.”
“For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”
They have a zeal, but not knowledge of God Almighty. They begin with zeal.
All they have is zeal, but they do not know the LORD. They have religion but not presence of God. They are so zealous, but they have no knowledge of Almighty.
It is all mental and religious. Remember leaven in bread puffed it up, it inflates.
Beware of the leaven of religious people, because its inflates them with pride.
They walk around wanting everybody to see them, having the best seats in church,
pray the longest prayers, that can be heard and yet controlling individuals and dominating their lives. Jesus Christ did not cast any devil out of religious leaders, because
that spirit took on hold all nation of Israel. And then they moved into demonic realm, when demons move in bringing destruction to many lives. Jesus fought that spirit, every man of God in history has
been opposed by the Spirit of Religion. These Religious people have a zeal, but not knowledge of God. They will prosecute a man of God.
And the Paul had the same spirit in him. He was so zealous that he killed people, he prosecuted the saints.
Jesus Christ had to knock hum down off the horse on the ground, before He saved him. I pray that God knock down some religious leaders because they are about to bring destruction to the Church of Christ.
These individuals amazingly act with great spirituality, but without knowledge and presence of the LORD.
How to discern these spirits - II CORINTHIANS 11: 13 -15
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder. For Satan himself transforms into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into right-eousness whose end will be recording to their works.”
Something vital is here, Paul, the Apostle was talking about the individuals in this chapter who wanted and believed in work, work, work...No grace, just do, do, do ...
They want please God through their action. Of course must be balance in every action.
We must understand: without work faith is dead. But work is the result of grace not other way around, grace is not result of work. But you have works by yourselves and this is
destructive. I work for God because what He has done for me in my heart.
I am not working so He can do it in my heart. I do because what He has done.
I don`t do so He can do. I start from done work, everything about the Christian life begins with done work in Christ. All is done and done in me causes me to do for Him.
Not the other way around, when you do so He can do - that`s Spirit of Religion.
But when He has done and I can do, that`s the Holy Spirit.
God always begins on the within. God deals always with the inside, with your heart.
When He spoke to Mosses concerning Tabernacle, God did not say: Mosses build the gates first, no, He said: The Holy of Holies begins first. You go from in out.
Everything about God begins within and after without. Someone said: Communism says that when you change man`s surroundings, you will change the man. Liberty says: if you
change the man, you will change surroundings.
God is in his side, when he said to change the man. The Bible teaches that when you change the man, you
change surroundings. Devil is trying to change surroundings, so the people can be changed then Religion says: Change surroundings and you change the man. It will bring bondage, but when you change the
heart it will bring liberty. Grace always changes the heart. God always begins with changing the heart. Spirit of Religion wants always change your surroundings, so he can control you.
COLLOSIANS 2: 16 - 23
“Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or Sabbath’s, which are the shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.”
“Let no one defraud you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his
fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with increase which is from God. Therefore if you died with Christ from
the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations -
“Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using - according to the commandments and doctrines of men?
“These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self- imposed religion, false humanity, and neglect of the body, but are no value against the flesh.”
He who have this spirit delight in humility, but false humility, he is delighted in seeing you bound, he is delighted in seeing you broken. Voluntary humility is a false
They worship anything but Jesus. They worship angels and are intruding to things not seen in the spiritual world. They take improper stand on visions, dreams and revelations
Vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind. Uses them to influence the people in natural.
They say: touch not, taste not, handle not. It is all outward control in natural realm.
This Religious Spirit is set up to control others first in natural, then in spiritual.
COLLOSIANS 2: 8 declares: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the world, not to Christ.
So be aware of the individuals that bring in control to the meetings, bringing bondage.
The same individuals that are bound by this religious spirit are perfectionists.
They do not tolerate imperfection when they come to spiritual things. They do not tolerate any weakness in people`s lives. They think they are perfect and you must be like
them. They can not understand the progress of grace in your life. They can not understand that God begins with little to increase the great things in the man.
They can not see grace of God, they are seeing only what they are doing is right.
They are so perfect that begin to dominate. It is Satanic perfection, it is demonic.
Jesus said to the religious people: You wash your hands and you wash your pots, you clean this, you clean
that, but on the inside you filthy and full of abominations.
Everything in them is outworthy, everything is human, everything is perfect.
But this perfection is a demonic perfection. Sometimes leads you into insanity.
This people put more interest in washing of the hands that washing off the hearts.
Washing the utilities not cleaning of the mind and heart. They forsake the spiritual and
and bond to the natural and worldly things which led them to satanic bondage.
These individuals will drive you into this if you allow them. They are such in perfection that this is demonic perfection. They will not tolerate anything that is not perfect
in us.
These individuals focus on perfection, focus on control, but God focus on progress.
But our God gives man, anoint man, not perfect man, but imperfect man. For His treasure is His earthly vessel. Knowing our imperfections, He still trust us.
That the kind of Lord I serve, who does not taking from me, what He gives me.
Bible says: He is our Helper, He does not condemn us when we are falling, He lift us up
put us back together on His way, always a better person. Thanks God Almighty.
These bound by Religious Spirit, when you fall once - you out. I am glad Jesus said:
I forgive seventy times seven. If you came I forgive you. If you come back, I restore you
I will clean you. You on the road to recovery. If you are a true Christian, He is changing you from glory to
glory. What you did two years ago, you don`t do it now.
It is more glory inside you now. Remember, these demons focus on perfection, but Christ focus on human imperfection. Grace and progress go together. Grace works like this:
Little here, little there, little there, little here, spoon by spoon, not plate by plate.
But these that are bound by Religious Spirit say: Now! You must be perfect!
Progress in Paul`s Apostle is evident. In Galatians 2: 6 in AD 56, He said: All of them are nothing to me ( I am the one ), in I Corinthians 15: 9 in AD 65, he said: I am the
least of the Apostles, and not mean to be called apostle; in Ephesians 3: 8 in AD 65
He said: I am the least of all saints and in I Timothy in AD 65, he said: Christ Jesus come to save sinners, whom I am a chief of sinners. This is the progress of grace of
God. The Holy Spirit brings humility to man, but Religious Spirit brings pride to man.
These individuals does not join to themselves anything imperfect. They forgotten that Christ join Himself to
the fallen men. They have forgotten that Jesus Christ has joined Himself to the fallen human race, human race under dominion of sin and curse.
That is grace. Now how to recognise the Religious Spirits:
1. Individual with this Spirit always find fault with others but not themselves.
2. These individuals know how to tear down but do not know how to built up.
3. They are unable to receive correction and instruction. They never accept correction.
4. These people have a philosophy: do not listen to anybody but listen to God only.
5. They believe that God appoint and anoint them only to fix anything wrong in you.
6. They will not tolerate weaknesses or failures in your life. They can not tolerate, no.
7. These individuals always want recognition. They want to be noticed everywhere.
8. They have a suspicion of every move of God. They say: It is not God, can not be God.
9. They will never join any group outside themselves and will forbid you to do the same
10. They will glory in yesterday, but never in today. Paul says in the Book of Galatians:
“Have you begin in the Spirit and now you think will be perfected in the flesh?”
But God says: “Stand fast therefore into the liberty where with Christ have made you free and be not entangled again into the yoke of bondage.”