MATTHEW 11: 28 declares: "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Isn't a beautiful invitation? Jesus said: Come to Me, all
heavy, and I will give you rest. This is the mighty promise for healing, because people who are sick have no rest. And He is the key to the miracles. Jesus is the key to miracles.
He said: Come to Me. He is the source to miracles. He is the focus for all we do and all we say, He is the source for all we need. Look how much value He placed on each of us.
MATTHEW 10: 29- 31 declares: "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will? But the very hairs of your head
are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; You are more value than many sparrows."
The One who loves you has placed great value on you. And even the very hairs on your head are numbered. It is without question that He placed great value not only on you but on your body. Do you know that He cares for your body for the Bible says that He cares for your hair? In Greek translation means that every hair has a number. God has not only numbered our hair, but each one has a number. What love it is? Incredible love. If He cares for your hair, does not He cares for all body?
Now remember, God's nature is to heal. It's His very nature to bless; it's His very nature to give. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..." JOHN 3: 16
God has a giving nature. God is the Giver and God always wants to Bless and our job is to learn how to receive what God is giving. God is always giving
- the problem is we are not always receiving. A miracle is always coming towards you or running by you. If you and I will only receive, we will be receiving God's blessings every day in life. If you and I could only tap into the all things are possible realm we will be able to win but not by our ability but by God’s Spirit.
But because we are so occupy with ourselves and our business and cares of this world, this blessing go right by our sides. HEBREWS 11: 6 declares: "But without faith it is
impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him."
The heart of faith, the source of faith, the One who is our faith - is the Lord. In faith we have to seek the Lord. Let then Jesus in faith will come. So don't seek faith in order to
receive God's presents, seek the Lord, the author and finisher of our faith. He is the source of your faith, the source of your life, the source of your healing. The Lord is the source of your faith. II CORINTHIANS
4: 13 declares that Jesus is the source of faith: "But since we have the same Spirit of Faith, according to what is written, "I believed and therefore I spoke," we also believe and therefore
It is a powerful statement that Paul said that we have the same Spirit of Faith. Faith is not some thing but it is Some One. This puts new light on the subject. Hebrews 11: 6 says that
without faith is impossible to please God and here is said the He is the source of faith and II Corinthian 4: 13 says that we have the same Spirit of Faith. Faith is the Spirit,
the Spirit of Faith is the Holy Spirit. He is the source of our faith. The Holy Spirit imparts faith when Jesus is sought. To receive from God who is the Giver and he has a giving nature, all you have to do is to
seek Him and Faith will come.When people experienced the presence of Jesus they are healed in multitudes. Healing comes as a result of knowing the presence of the Lord. Lord's presence is the healing
presence. Where ever you find the presence of the Lord you find healing. You do not have to beg for it, you do not to have to cry for it. Just focus on the Lord and His presence comes and touches you. You must
yield, you must absolutely yield to Him. As you worship the Lord all these miracles happen. He is the source of healing and the Holy Spirit imparts faith to seek the Lord of healing. Notice also that he also states something powerful in II Corinthians 4: 13. Notice that confession follows moving of the Holy Spirit. He talks about confessing what we believe. Confess the
Word until the Holy Spirit will move with it into your life. God does not speak until the Holy Spirit moves. The Word is not released until the Holy Spirit moves. Before you confess the Word wait for the move of the Holy Spirit. Spirit of God moves and then God said: "Let there be light" in Book of Genesis 1.
Confession is the result of the moving of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit of God moves your words become powerful. But without His moving your words
are dead. Confession follows the moving of the Spirit in your heart. He imparts it and you speak it. But He won't impart it till Jesus is sought. When you seek the Lord, the Holy Ghost will touch you and when He
touches you will act on your healing. And then miracles happen.
The Scripture teach us that the Holy Spirit brings to light all we need to life. Everything of the flesh, everything that self produces look upon as it cursed. Otherwise the Holy
Ghost will not impart a thing to us. See, no flesh shall glory in His presence. Flesh has got to be dead as well as our abilities to get this happen.
Nothing comes from God your way by your ability. We know that hardest thing to do is to do nothing. Because all of us want to help God. We fell God cannot give it unless we can do
something. Well, you do it after God does it. Act after He moves. Before He moves you do nothing. You simply yield. But how do I yield to Spirit of God? So now the time has come for God just wait until the flesh
dies. God will never move until the man was dead in his flesh. When the flesh dies, God can do your miracle.
God always have to wait until we just quit, when we stop trying. We go through this all the time all of us. We want to help God. He says: Help yourself
if you can. But if you just surrender, God will heal you straight away. Just yield to the Lord. Quit struggling, just yield and surrender. He is waiting for you to give up so He can heal you.
The day will come that every Christian will be healed by the Power of God. The day the people will learn how to die for their flesh, they yield and will be healed. So God has to bring us
to our death so He can bring healing to all of us.
It is His will to heal you from any disease. PSALM 107: 20 declares: "He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their oppressions."
Do you remember when did God sent His Word? He sent His Word. It's a done work. "He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from all their distractions."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." He applies here Scripture from JOHN 1: 1 which He declares that the Word of God was from
the beginning to heals us. And JOHN 1: 14 says: "And the Word was made flesh." So when God sent His Word to heals us? When Jesus came to earth as the Son of God. It does not means that every time
you hear the Word preached you will be healed because is no anointing on the preacher or the one to receive healing. So in PSALM 107: 20
He sent His Son and healed them. This happen when Jesus died. ACTS 10: 38 declares: "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with Power, who went about doing
good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him."
Your healing is already done, your healing is completed in Jesus of Nazareth. God sent His Word and healed them from all their destructions, all their diseases. And He healed all who were
oppressed of the devil. The result of the coming Word was the healing all who were oppressed by the devil. In the Gospels He heal them all. So why dont we receiving God's healing as they did? Why is there 75% of
God's people who are still sick today? So many God's precious people in need of healing. If Jesus healed all in His time I would ask why its not happening now? If we begin do what they did, we will be healed
too. He healed them all because even under the Law the healing were for all God's people. He operated under the dispensation of Law, and we are living now under the dispensation of Grace. We are under Grace.
The cross is the dividing line between Law and Grace. He healed all of them under the Law. If the Law supply healing to all so how much the Grace. If the Lord healed all under the Law why
we are not healed all under Grace? We have a better covenant. We have the better promises then we should have better results. And it's coming. HEBREWS 13: 8 declares:
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So the same healing that was then is for now and forever. He wants to heal us now.
Sickness is God's enemy. That's why Jesus took our sickness when He died on the cross and with His stripes we are healed. Sickness is the enemy of the Lord and it's your enemy. Seven
reasons why Jesus heals. We are dealing with His will.
1. The Lord heals all because of His compassion.
MARK 1: 41 declares: "And Jesus, moved with compassion, put out His hand and touched him, and said to him, "I am willing; be cleansed."
Compassion is not the sympathy. It's not feeling sorry for someone. Compassion says: I will fix it. Compassion is action. Sympathy says: I fill sorry for you, compassion says: I will
change your situation. Jesus Christ was moved with compassion not only on multitudes but on individuals. The leper comes and he said: Lord, if You will, you make me clean. The Lord answered: I will. Lord was moved
with compassion when He saw that men.
And so often we find that God's compassion leads us to repentance. So god's goodness leads us to repentance, not God's judgement. When we are judged we will repent often.
But because of His love and mercy we will to repent.
2. The Lord heals for the healing is children's bread.
MARK 7: 27 declares: "Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
Do you know why He healed? Because the healing is the children's bread. Bread belongs to the covenant people. Now today everybody can be healed. Healing is ours because the bread belongs to us.
3. The Lord heals in order to glorify the Father.
MATTHEW 15: 30, 31 declares: "Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them those who were lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus'
feet, and He healed them. So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel."
4. The Lord heals to fulfil the promises of God.
MATTHEW 8: 16, 17 declares: "When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that
it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet: "He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses."
5. The Lord heals to conforms His Word.
JOHN 10: 37, 38 declares: "If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe
that the Father is in Me, and I in Him." Miracles confirms the Word - Jesus said. If You not believe what I said, believe for the works that you may know that the Father is in Me and I in Him.
6. The Lord heals because of blood covenant with you.
ISAIAH 53: 4, 5 declares: "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our
transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; by His stripes we are healed." The word "griefs" in Hebrew means "sicknesses" or "afflictions" and "sorrows" means
of "pains". He heals because of the Blood Covenant.
7. The Lord heals to destroy the works of the devil.
ACTS 10: 38 declares: "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God
was with Him. Now why the sickness come to the planet earth? As we said, Jesus is the source of healing, it's His presence what heals. When Jesus is sought, the Holy Spirit comes. When we covered why Jesus heals
now why we are sick?
1. People get sick because they do not confess their faults.
JAMES 5: 16 declares: "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer avails much." Not only
confession of our faults to one another but also confession of our sins brings healing. Confession brings healing and un-confession brings disease.
2. People get sick because of idol worship.
EXODUS 32: 35 declares: "So the LORD plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made." Sickness comes because people worship idols. Idol is
anything or anyone what takes the place of God in your life. That's the first commandment is that you shall have no other gods before Me. That thing first before the Lord is an idol.
3. People get sick because they prosecute the people of God.
II CHRONICLES 16: 10 declares: "Then Asa was angry with the prophet of God and put him in prison, for he was enraged at him because of this. And Asa oppressed some of the people
at that time."
4. People get sick because instead they seek the Lord, they seek physicians.
II CHRONICLES 16: 12 declares: "Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was very severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians." There
two reasons here why the people get sick. One is because they prosecute the righteous men of God. Sickness came to this king because he prosecuted the prophet. And sickness come to him also because he did not seek
the Lord. He rather would seek the physicians. We all believe in doctors and medicine. We all believe in physicians. But never forget the source of the healing is Son of God, Jesus Christ who died for it. Trust God
and use physicians for your good health. You should always seek the Lord. Prayerlessness brings sickness. Prayerlessness is not a weakness, it is sin, that we not looking on Jesus. You can sin against the Lord for
not pray to Him. When you do not walk with the Lord, when you are rebellious, He can strike you with any disease to come back to Him. II CHRONICLE 21: 12-15. Rebellion will bring sickness.
So we see in summary sickness comes when:
- there is no confession of sin.
- when we create our idols before the Lord.
- When we prosecute God's prophets.
- When we are not seeking the Lord first in our lives
- Sickness comes when we are rebellious against God's Word and God's Will.
Sickness also often come as you do not properly rest and you work unto your death. People get sick because they working themselves into that sickness by working so hard. People often do
not care for their own body, his own life. You can work so much into the ministry that you can run into sickness. And many of God's people do not take care of themselves. You do not eat right, you do not rest right,
you do not take of your body. You abuse it. I know that the Lord is merciful and will heal you but don't go back to it.
Sickness come for sure to those who do not honor their father and mother. EPHESIANS 6: 2,3 declares: "Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with
promise: That it may be well with you and you may live long."
Live long means here that you will be healed and stay healthy, for length of days shall be added to you. Length of days is healing and divine health. Healing is not God's best it is
God's second best. God's best is divine health. When you live in complete and total and daily health. Israel not only experienced healing but they experienced total health. PSALM 105: 37 declares: And there
was none feeble.
Magnificent state of abiding health. That's God's order, that's God wants it for you.
PSALM 103: 1- 5 declares: "Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all
your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your Life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed
like eagle's.”
God wants you to be like an eagle, a Christian that never get sick during your life on earth. It is all preached not only to show you healing but I pray that teaching will help you
deliver you from the sickness until it overcomes you. In Psalm 103 God says: Forget not all His benefits. The reason so many are sick because they are forgot about God's Word.
They forgot God's promises, they forgot God's Word about healing and health.
When you forget His promises, His Word, you limit Him. You limit Him when you do not remember His power, when you do not want to see His signs and wonders.
PSALM 78: 42 declares: "They did not remember His Power, and they limited The Holy One of Israel, the day when He redeemed them from the enemy."
How many of you want your God to heal you instantly? Here few steps to it.
HABAKKUK1: 8 declares: "They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat." The Christian who has to eat God's Word will find healing. The eagle can't wait to get food you
as a Christian eat the Word of God. If you wish to become like this eagle you must look for Word as much as the eagle looks for food, than you will find healing. Second thing is in Book of JOB 39: 27 - "Does
the eagle mount up at your command, and make its nest on high? This eagle lives on the rock , on the high places as we should live on the Rock of Jesus. If you will stay on your Rock, Your Master - healing will
come from this Rock of Ages. Healing comes when we eat the Word of God and healing comes when we are standing upon the Rock - Jesus Christ. And standing upon the Rock means rely on your God.
PROVERBS 23: 5 declares: "Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven." The eagle
looks towards heaven as you should look towards heaven for your healing. You must set your eyes on Jesus to receive your divine healing for your body.
JEREMIAH 48: 40 says: "Behold, one shall fly like an eagle, and spread his wings." It states that the eagle surrender to the wind as you should surrender to the Holy
Spirit. And you should fly like eagle and surrender to the wind of the Holy Spirit. When you surrender and yield to the Lord - healing would come.
ISAIAH 40: 31 declares: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew they strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and
not faint."
The Lord not only wants to renew your youth as an eagle but He wants prolong it. PSALM 91: 16 says: "With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation." All of
you have to do is to satisfy yourself of the good things of heaven. And the Lord not only promised us healing but total health. Divine protection from sick.
God promised you divine protection from sickness for he declares in EXODUS 15: 26 "I AM THE LORD YOUR HEALER." and "I AM THE GOD THAT HEALS YOU." And this
covenant of healing is eternal for humankind. And God wants to always bless. Job had to learn how to receive what God is giving. Problem is we not always receiving. God always promises you health and healing, but He
emphasis divine health.
JOB 5: 26 declares: You shall come to the grave at a full age, as a grain in its season." If you do what is in the fifth chapter of Book of Job you will come to the grave in
full age without sickness. God Almighty wills that every believer go home healthy. You are not going home because of cancer, or heart attack or some sickness that strikes you. You go home because your body wears out
like the prophets of the old. Was Jesus sick? He became sickness, was Abraham sick? Was Moses sick?, David was sick? No none. Moses was strong at 120 as in 20 years old. This is God's will for everyone of us.